Nội Dung Bài Viết
A GUI tool consists of a computational model and a graphical user interface that lets the user easily and naturally adjust the parameters of the model, rerun the computation, and see the new results.
The experience that led to this text was the observation that student learning is enhanced if the students themselves build the GUI tool: construct the computational model, implement the visualization of results, and design the GUI
The GUI is valuable for several reasons. The most important is that exploring model behavior, by manipulating sliders, buttons, checkboxes, and the like, encourages a focus on developing an intuitive insight into the model behavior. Insight is the primary goal. Running the model many times with differing inputs, the user can start to see the characteristic behavior of physical system represented by the model. Additionally, it must be recognized that graphically driven tools are what students are accustomed to when dealing with computers. A command line interface seems crude and retrograde. Moreover, particularly for engineering students, the discipline of wrapping the model in a form that someone else could use encourages a design-oriented mentality. Finally, building and delivering a sophisticated mathematical model that is operated through a GUI interface is simply more rewarding and fun.
I. MATLAB Programming
- Getting Started
- String and Vectors
- Plotting
- Matrices
- Control Flow Commands
- Animation
- Writing MATLAB functions
- More MATLAB Data Classes and Structures
II. Building GUI Tools
- Building a Graphical User Interface
- Transforming a MATLAB Program into a GUI Tool
- GUI Components
III. Advanced Topics
- More GUI Techniques
- More Graphics
- More Mathematics
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Bài viết các bạn có thể tham khảo:
- MATLAB GUI Tutorial for Beginners – Tài liệu lập trình GUI MATLAB
- Tài liệu MATLAB tạo giao diện đồ họa người dùng (GUI MATLAB)
- Tổng hợp tài liệu tự học matlab